FBE501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Bilimsel Etik (3-0)3 ECTS:6

Bilgi okur-yazarlığı, bilimsel yöntemler, araştırma metot ve teknikleri, bilimsel araştırma, bilimsel projelerin hazırlanması ve sunumu, etik ve tarihçesi, etik ile ilgili kavramlar ve terimler, bilimsel etiğe giriş, bilimsel araştırma ve yayınlarda etik, mesleki etik (Mühendislik ve Doğa bilimlerinde etik), bilim dünyasında etik ihlalleri ve sonuçları, Yüksek Öğretimde etik kuralları ve uygulamaları. 

MSE599 MSc Thesis (0-1)Non-Credit ECTS: 6

MSc Thesis studies aim to increase the level of the knowledge and the skills of students about their research providing students the ability to conduct research in the field of their thesis under the supervision of the assigned faculty member as an advisor.

MSE700 MSc Seminar (0-2)Non-Credit ECTS: 12

MSc Seminar aims to improve the ability to prepare an up-to-date study in a way suitable with scientific research methods to contribute to the process of education or preparing a presentation about a subject students master and presenting it in front of a group of people under the observation of the thesis advisor. 

MSE899 MSc Special Studies (4-0)Non-Credit ECTS: 24

The M.Sc. Special Studies are aimed to enhance research and interchange state-of-the art information in technological and scientific fields.